RLPG: Reinforcement Learning Approach for Dynamic Intra-Platoon Gap
Adaptation for Highway On-Ramp Merging
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2212.03497v1
- Date: Wed, 7 Dec 2022 07:33:54 GMT
- Title: RLPG: Reinforcement Learning Approach for Dynamic Intra-Platoon Gap
Adaptation for Highway On-Ramp Merging
- Authors: Sushma Reddy Yadavalli, Lokesh Chandra Das, Myounggyu Won
- Abstract summary: A platoon refers to a group of vehicles traveling together in very close proximity.
Recent research has revealed a detrimental effect of the extremely small intra-platoon gap on traffic flow for highway on-ramp merging.
We present a novel reinforcement learning framework that adaptively adjusts the intra-platoon gap of an individual platoon member to maximize traffic flow.
- Score: 14.540226579203207
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: A platoon refers to a group of vehicles traveling together in very close
proximity. It has received significant attention from the autonomous vehicle
research community due to its strong potential to significantly enhance fuel
efficiency, driving safety, and driver comfort. Despite these advantages,
recent research has revealed a detrimental effect of the extremely small
intra-platoon gap on traffic flow for highway on-ramp merging. While existing
control-based methods allow for adaptation of the intra-platoon gap to improve
traffic flow, making an optimal control decision under the complex dynamics of
traffic conditions remains a significant challenge due to the massive
computational complexity. To this end, we present the design, implementation,
and evaluation of a novel reinforcement learning framework that adaptively
adjusts the intra-platoon gap of an individual platoon member to maximize
traffic flow in response to dynamically changing, complex traffic conditions
for highway on-ramp merging. The state space of the framework is carefully
designed in consultation with the transportation literature to incorporate
critical traffic parameters relevant to merging efficiency. A deep
deterministic policy gradient algorithm is adopted to account for the
continuous action space to ensure precise and continuous adjustment of the
intra-platoon gap. An extensive simulation study demonstrates the effectiveness
of the reinforcement learning-based approach for significantly improving
traffic flow in various highway merging scenarios.
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