Hierarchical Strategies for Cooperative Multi-Agent Reinforcement
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2212.07397v1
- Date: Wed, 14 Dec 2022 18:27:58 GMT
- Title: Hierarchical Strategies for Cooperative Multi-Agent Reinforcement
- Authors: Majd Ibrahim, Ammar Fayad
- Abstract summary: We propose a two-level hierarchical architecture that combines a novel information-theoretic objective with a trajectory prediction model to learn a strategy.
We show that our method establishes a new state of the art being, to the best of our knowledge, the first MARL algorithm to solve all super hard SC II scenarios.
Videos and brief overview of the methods are available at: https://sites.google.com/view/hier-strats-marl/home.
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: Adequate strategizing of agents behaviors is essential to solving cooperative
MARL problems. One intuitively beneficial yet uncommon method in this domain is
predicting agents future behaviors and planning accordingly. Leveraging this
point, we propose a two-level hierarchical architecture that combines a novel
information-theoretic objective with a trajectory prediction model to learn a
strategy. To this end, we introduce a latent policy that learns two types of
latent strategies: individual $z_A$, and relational $z_R$ using a modified
Graph Attention Network module to extract interaction features. We encourage
each agent to behave according to the strategy by conditioning its local $Q$
functions on $z_A$, and we further equip agents with a shared $Q$ function that
conditions on $z_R$. Additionally, we introduce two regularizers to allow
predicted trajectories to be accurate and rewarding. Empirical results on
Google Research Football (GRF) and StarCraft (SC) II micromanagement tasks show
that our method establishes a new state of the art being, to the best of our
knowledge, the first MARL algorithm to solve all super hard SC II scenarios as
well as the GRF full game with a win rate higher than $95\%$, thus
outperforming all existing methods. Videos and brief overview of the methods
and results are available at:
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