Generalized Differentiable RANSAC
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- Date: Fri, 8 Sep 2023 15:35:47 GMT
- Title: Generalized Differentiable RANSAC
- Authors: Tong Wei, Yash Patel, Alexander Shekhovtsov, Jiri Matas, Daniel Barath
- Abstract summary: $nabla$-RANSAC is a differentiable RANSAC that allows learning the entire randomized robust estimation pipeline.
$nabla$-RANSAC is superior to the state-of-the-art in terms of accuracy while running at a similar speed to its less accurate alternatives.
- Score: 95.95627475224231
- License:
- Abstract: We propose $\nabla$-RANSAC, a generalized differentiable RANSAC that allows
learning the entire randomized robust estimation pipeline. The proposed
approach enables the use of relaxation techniques for estimating the gradients
in the sampling distribution, which are then propagated through a
differentiable solver. The trainable quality function marginalizes over the
scores from all the models estimated within $\nabla$-RANSAC to guide the
network learning accurate and useful inlier probabilities or to train feature
detection and matching networks. Our method directly maximizes the probability
of drawing a good hypothesis, allowing us to learn better sampling
distributions. We test $\nabla$-RANSAC on various real-world scenarios on
fundamental and essential matrix estimation, and 3D point cloud registration,
outdoors and indoors, with handcrafted and learning-based features. It is
superior to the state-of-the-art in terms of accuracy while running at a
similar speed to its less accurate alternatives. The code and trained models
are available at
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