RL and Fingerprinting to Select Moving Target Defense Mechanisms for
Zero-day Attacks in IoT
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2212.14647v1
- Date: Fri, 30 Dec 2022 12:15:59 GMT
- Title: RL and Fingerprinting to Select Moving Target Defense Mechanisms for
Zero-day Attacks in IoT
- Authors: Alberto Huertas Celdr\'an, Pedro Miguel S\'anchez S\'anchez, Jan von
der Assen, Timo Schenk, G\'er\^ome Bovet, Gregorio Mart\'inez P\'erez,
Burkhard Stiller
- Abstract summary: Cybercriminals are moving towards zero-day attacks affecting resource-constrained devices.
Moving Target Defense is a promising approach to mitigate attacks by dynamically altering target attack surfaces.
This paper proposes an online RL-based framework to learn the correct MTD mechanisms mitigating heterogeneous zero-day attacks in SBC.
- Score: 0.5172201569251684
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: Cybercriminals are moving towards zero-day attacks affecting
resource-constrained devices such as single-board computers (SBC). Assuming
that perfect security is unrealistic, Moving Target Defense (MTD) is a
promising approach to mitigate attacks by dynamically altering target attack
surfaces. Still, selecting suitable MTD techniques for zero-day attacks is an
open challenge. Reinforcement Learning (RL) could be an effective approach to
optimize the MTD selection through trial and error, but the literature fails
when i) evaluating the performance of RL and MTD solutions in real-world
scenarios, ii) studying whether behavioral fingerprinting is suitable for
representing SBC's states, and iii) calculating the consumption of resources in
SBC. To improve these limitations, the work at hand proposes an online RL-based
framework to learn the correct MTD mechanisms mitigating heterogeneous zero-day
attacks in SBC. The framework considers behavioral fingerprinting to represent
SBCs' states and RL to learn MTD techniques that mitigate each malicious state.
It has been deployed on a real IoT crowdsensing scenario with a Raspberry Pi
acting as a spectrum sensor. More in detail, the Raspberry Pi has been infected
with different samples of command and control malware, rootkits, and ransomware
to later select between four existing MTD techniques. A set of experiments
demonstrated the suitability of the framework to learn proper MTD techniques
mitigating all attacks (except a harmfulness rootkit) while consuming <1 MB of
storage and utilizing <55% CPU and <80% RAM.
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