SAIDS: A Novel Approach for Sentiment Analysis Informed of Dialect and
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- Date: Fri, 6 Jan 2023 14:19:46 GMT
- Title: SAIDS: A Novel Approach for Sentiment Analysis Informed of Dialect and
- Authors: Abdelrahman Kaseb and Mona Farouk
- Abstract summary: This paper introduces a novel system (SAIDS) that predicts the sentiment, sarcasm and dialect of Arabic tweets.
By training all tasks together, SAIDS results of 75.98 FPN, 59.09 F1-score and 71.13 F1-score for sentiment analysis, sarcasm detection, and dialect identification respectively.
- Score: 0.0
- License:
- Abstract: Sentiment analysis becomes an essential part of every social network, as it
enables decision-makers to know more about users' opinions in almost all life
aspects. Despite its importance, there are multiple issues it encounters like
the sentiment of the sarcastic text which is one of the main challenges of
sentiment analysis. This paper tackles this challenge by introducing a novel
system (SAIDS) that predicts the sentiment, sarcasm and dialect of Arabic
tweets. SAIDS uses its prediction of sarcasm and dialect as known information
to predict the sentiment. It uses MARBERT as a language model to generate
sentence embedding, then passes it to the sarcasm and dialect models, and then
the outputs of the three models are concatenated and passed to the sentiment
analysis model. Multiple system design setups were experimented with and
reported. SAIDS was applied to the ArSarcasm-v2 dataset where it outperforms
the state-of-the-art model for the sentiment analysis task. By training all
tasks together, SAIDS achieves results of 75.98 FPN, 59.09 F1-score and 71.13
F1-score for sentiment analysis, sarcasm detection, and dialect identification
respectively. The system design can be used to enhance the performance of any
task which is dependent on other tasks.
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