論文の概要: A Newton-CG based augmented Lagrangian method for finding a second-order
stationary point of nonconvex equality constrained optimization with
complexity guarantees
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2301.03139v1
- Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2023 01:39:46 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2023-01-10 16:33:20.975574
- Title: A Newton-CG based augmented Lagrangian method for finding a second-order
stationary point of nonconvex equality constrained optimization with
complexity guarantees
- Title(参考訳): 複雑性保証付き非凸等式制約最適化の2次定常点を求めるNewton-CGによる拡張ラグランジアン法
- Authors: Chuan He, Zhaosong Lu and Ting Kei Pong
- Abstract要約: まず,制約なし最適化の近似SOSPを求めるNewton-CG法を提案する。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 0.5013248430919224
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: In this paper we consider finding a second-order stationary point (SOSP) of
nonconvex equality constrained optimization when a nearly feasible point is
known. In particular, we first propose a new Newton-CG method for finding an
approximate SOSP of unconstrained optimization and show that it enjoys a
substantially better complexity than the Newton-CG method [56]. We then propose
a Newton-CG based augmented Lagrangian (AL) method for finding an approximate
SOSP of nonconvex equality constrained optimization, in which the proposed
Newton-CG method is used as a subproblem solver. We show that under a
generalized linear independence constraint qualification (GLICQ), our AL method
enjoys a total inner iteration complexity of $\widetilde{\cal
O}(\epsilon^{-7/2})$ and an operation complexity of $\widetilde{\cal
O}(\epsilon^{-7/2}\min\{n,\epsilon^{-3/4}\})$ for finding an
$(\epsilon,\sqrt{\epsilon})$-SOSP of nonconvex equality constrained
optimization with high probability, which are significantly better than the
ones achieved by the proximal AL method [60]. Besides, we show that it has a
total inner iteration complexity of $\widetilde{\cal O}(\epsilon^{-11/2})$ and
an operation complexity of $\widetilde{\cal
O}(\epsilon^{-11/2}\min\{n,\epsilon^{-5/4}\})$ when the GLICQ does not hold. To
the best of our knowledge, all the complexity results obtained in this paper
are new for finding an approximate SOSP of nonconvex equality constrained
optimization with high probability. Preliminary numerical results also
demonstrate the superiority of our proposed methods over the ones in [56,60].
- Abstract(参考訳): 本稿では,非凸等性制約付き最適化の2次定常点(sosp)を求める。
特に,制約のない最適化の近似 sosp を求めるnewton-cg 法を提案し,newton-cg 法 [56] よりもかなり複雑であることを示す。
そこで本研究では,非凸等性制約付き最適化の近似 sosp を求めるために,newton-cg を用いた拡張ラグランジアン (al) 法を提案する。
一般化線形独立制約資格 (glicq) の下では、al法では、$\widetilde{\cal o}(\epsilon^{-7/2})$ と$\widetilde{\cal o}(\epsilon^{-7/2}\min\{n,\epsilon^{-3/4}\})$(\epsilon,\sqrt{\epsilon})$-sosp の非凸等化制限付き最適化が高確率で実現されており、これは近位al法 [60] によって達成されたものよりもかなり良い。
さらに、グリックが成立しない場合、全内的反復複雑性は$\widetilde{\cal o}(\epsilon^{-11/2})$であり、演算複雑性は$\widetilde{\cal o}(\epsilon^{-11/2}\min\{n,\epsilon^{-5/4}\})$であることを示した。
また, [56,60] の手法よりも提案手法の方が優れていることを示す。
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2階局所呼び出しに関して、$epsilon-frac32) + tilde O$と、Hessian-vectorvectorsに対して$tilde O(epsilon-frac74)$という大域的な複雑さを見出す。
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