Geometric path augmentation for inference of sparsely observed
stochastic nonlinear systems
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- Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2023 14:45:03 GMT
- Title: Geometric path augmentation for inference of sparsely observed
stochastic nonlinear systems
- Authors: Dimitra Maoutsa
- Abstract summary: We introduce a new data-driven path augmentation scheme that takes the local observation geometry into account.
We can efficiently identify the deterministic driving forces of the underlying system for systems observed at low sampling rates.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: Stochastic evolution equations describing the dynamics of systems under the
influence of both deterministic and stochastic forces are prevalent in all
fields of science. Yet, identifying these systems from sparse-in-time
observations remains still a challenging endeavour. Existing approaches focus
either on the temporal structure of the observations by relying on conditional
expectations, discarding thereby information ingrained in the geometry of the
system's invariant density; or employ geometric approximations of the invariant
density, which are nevertheless restricted to systems with conservative forces.
Here we propose a method that reconciles these two paradigms. We introduce a
new data-driven path augmentation scheme that takes the local observation
geometry into account. By employing non-parametric inference on the augmented
paths, we can efficiently identify the deterministic driving forces of the
underlying system for systems observed at low sampling rates.
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