On-Demand Communication for Asynchronous Multi-Agent Bandits
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2302.07446v2
- Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2023 02:28:41 GMT
- Title: On-Demand Communication for Asynchronous Multi-Agent Bandits
- Authors: Yu-Zhen Janice Chen, Lin Yang, Xuchuang Wang, Xutong Liu, Mohammad
Hajiesmaili, John C.S. Lui, Don Towsley
- Abstract summary: ODC is an on-demand communication protocol that tailors the communication of each pair of agents based on their empirical pull times.
ODC is efficient when the pull times of agents are highly heterogeneous, and its communication complexity depends on the empirical pull times of agents.
- Score: 43.3383282058292
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: This paper studies a cooperative multi-agent multi-armed stochastic bandit
problem where agents operate asynchronously -- agent pull times and rates are
unknown, irregular, and heterogeneous -- and face the same instance of a
K-armed bandit problem. Agents can share reward information to speed up the
learning process at additional communication costs. We propose ODC, an
on-demand communication protocol that tailors the communication of each pair of
agents based on their empirical pull times. ODC is efficient when the pull
times of agents are highly heterogeneous, and its communication complexity
depends on the empirical pull times of agents. ODC is a generic protocol that
can be integrated into most cooperative bandit algorithms without degrading
their performance. We then incorporate ODC into the natural extensions of UCB
and AAE algorithms and propose two communication-efficient cooperative
algorithms. Our analysis shows that both algorithms are near-optimal in regret.
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