Measurement-induced entanglement transitions in quantum circuits of
non-interacting fermions: Born-rule versus forced measurements
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- Date: Fri, 17 Feb 2023 19:00:11 GMT
- Title: Measurement-induced entanglement transitions in quantum circuits of
non-interacting fermions: Born-rule versus forced measurements
- Authors: Chao-Ming Jian, Hassan Shapourian, Bela Bauer, and Andreas W. W.
- Abstract summary: We address entanglement transitions in monitored random quantum circuits of non-interacting fermions.
For a generic circuit with no symmetry other than fermion parity, we numerically obtain several critical exponents.
We show that the two transitions with Bornrule and forced measurements are in different universality classes.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: We address entanglement transitions in monitored random quantum circuits of
non-interacting fermions, in particular, the question of whether Born-rule and
forced measurements yield the same universality class. For a generic circuit
with no symmetry other than fermion parity, acting on a one-dimensional
Majorana chain, we numerically obtain several critical exponents, providing
clear evidence that the two transitions with Born-rule and forced measurements
are in different universality classes. We provide a theoretical understanding
for our numerical results by identifying the underlying statistical mechanics
model which follows from the general correspondence, established in Jian et
al., Phys. Rev. B 106, 134206, between non-unitary circuits of non-interacting
fermions and the ten-fold Altland-Zirnbauer (AZ) symmetry classes. The AZ class
is the same for Born-rule and forced measurements of the circuits. For the
circuit under consideration (in AZ class DIII), the statistical mechanics model
describing the transition is the principal chiral non-linear sigma model whose
field variable is an ${\rm SO}(n)$ matrix in the replica limits $n\to 0$ and
$n\to 1$ for forced and Born-rule measurements, respectively. The former is in
an Anderson localization universality class while we show that the latter is in
a novel universality class beyond Anderson localization. Both entanglement
transitions are driven by proliferation of $\mathbb{Z}_2$ topological defects.
The different replica limits account for the difference in the universality
classes. Furthermore, we provide numerical and symmetry-based arguments that
the entanglement transition in the previously-studied monitored circuit of
Majorana fermions based on the loop model with crossings, a highly fine-tuned
circuit, belongs to a universality class different from both transitions in the
generic circuits discussed in this paper.
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