A Scalable Space-efficient In-database Interpretability Framework for
Embedding-based Semantic SQL Queries
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2302.12178v2
- Date: Fri, 24 Feb 2023 17:22:52 GMT
- Title: A Scalable Space-efficient In-database Interpretability Framework for
Embedding-based Semantic SQL Queries
- Authors: Prabhakar Kudva, Rajesh Bordawekar, Apoorva Nitsure
- Abstract summary: We introduce a new co-occurrence based interpretability approach to capture relationships between relational entities.
Our approach provides both query-agnostic (global) and query-specific (local) interpretabilities.
- Score: 3.0938904602244346
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: AI-Powered database (AI-DB) is a novel relational database system that uses a
self-supervised neural network, database embedding, to enable semantic SQL
queries on relational tables. In this paper, we describe an architecture and
implementation of in-database interpretability infrastructure designed to
provide simple, transparent, and relatable insights into ranked results of
semantic SQL queries supported by AI-DB. We introduce a new co-occurrence based
interpretability approach to capture relationships between relational entities
and describe a space-efficient probabilistic Sketch implementation to store and
process co-occurrence counts. Our approach provides both query-agnostic
(global) and query-specific (local) interpretabilities. Experimental evaluation
demonstrate that our in-database probabilistic approach provides the same
interpretability quality as the precise space-inefficient approach, while
providing scalable and space efficient runtime behavior (up to 8X space
savings), without any user intervention.
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