Coherent control of the causal order of entanglement distillation
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- Date: Thu, 7 Dec 2023 00:00:55 GMT
- Title: Coherent control of the causal order of entanglement distillation
- Authors: Zai Zuo, Michael Hanks and M. S. Kim
- Abstract summary: Indefinite causal order is an evolving field with potential involvement in quantum technologies.
We show the advantage of indefinite causal order in an application setting consistent with the requirements of quantum communication.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: Indefinite causal order is an evolving field with potential involvement in
quantum technologies. Here we propose and study one possible scenario of
practical application in quantum communication: a compound entanglement
distillation protocol that features two steps of a basic distillation protocol
applied in a coherent superposition of two causal orders. This is achieved by
using one faulty entangled pair to control-swap two others before a fourth pair
is combined with the two swapped ones consecutively. As a result, the protocol
distills the four faulty entangled states into one of a higher fidelity. Our
protocol has a higher fidelity of distillation and probability of success for
some input faulty pairs than conventional concatenations of the basic protocol
that follow a definite distillation order. Our proposal shows the advantage of
indefinite causal order in an application setting consistent with the
requirements of quantum communication.
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