Distinguishing Cause from Effect on Categorical Data: The Uniform
Channel Model
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2303.08572v1
- Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2023 13:54:11 GMT
- Title: Distinguishing Cause from Effect on Categorical Data: The Uniform
Channel Model
- Authors: M\'ario A. T. Figueiredo and Catarina A. Oliveira
- Abstract summary: Distinguishing cause from effect using observations of a pair of random variables is a core problem in causal discovery.
We propose a criterion to address the cause-effect problem with categorical variables.
We select as the most likely causal direction the one in which the conditional probability mass function is closer to a uniform channel (UC)
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Distinguishing cause from effect using observations of a pair of random
variables is a core problem in causal discovery. Most approaches proposed for
this task, namely additive noise models (ANM), are only adequate for
quantitative data. We propose a criterion to address the cause-effect problem
with categorical variables (living in sets with no meaningful order), inspired
by seeing a conditional probability mass function (pmf) as a discrete
memoryless channel. We select as the most likely causal direction the one in
which the conditional pmf is closer to a uniform channel (UC). The rationale is
that, in a UC, as in an ANM, the conditional entropy (of the effect given the
cause) is independent of the cause distribution, in agreement with the
principle of independence of cause and mechanism. Our approach, which we call
the uniform channel model (UCM), thus extends the ANM rationale to categorical
variables. To assess how close a conditional pmf (estimated from data) is to a
UC, we use statistical testing, supported by a closed-form estimate of a UC
channel. On the theoretical front, we prove identifiability of the UCM and show
its equivalence with a structural causal model with a low-cardinality exogenous
variable. Finally, the proposed method compares favorably with recent
state-of-the-art alternatives in experiments on synthetic, benchmark, and real
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