Asymmetric Quantum Secure Multi-Party Computation With Weak Clients
Against Dishonest Majority
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- Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2023 18:33:18 GMT
- Title: Asymmetric Quantum Secure Multi-Party Computation With Weak Clients
Against Dishonest Majority
- Authors: Theodoros Kapourniotis, Elham Kashefi, Dominik Leichtle, Luka Music,
Harold Ollivier
- Abstract summary: We introduce a protocol that lifts classical SMPC to quantum SMPC in a composably and statistically secure way.
Unlike previous quantum SMPC protocols, our proposal only requires very limited quantum resources from all but one party.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: Secure multi-party computation (SMPC) protocols allow several parties that
distrust each other to collectively compute a function on their inputs. In this
paper, we introduce a protocol that lifts classical SMPC to quantum SMPC in a
composably and statistically secure way, even for a single honest party. Unlike
previous quantum SMPC protocols, our proposal only requires very limited
quantum resources from all but one party; it suffices that the weak parties,
i.e. the clients, are able to prepare single-qubit states in the X-Y plane. The
novel quantum SMPC protocol is constructed in a naturally modular way, and
relies on a new technique for quantum verification that is of independent
interest. This verification technique requires the remote preparation of states
only in a single plane of the Bloch sphere. In the course of proving the
security of the new verification protocol, we also uncover a fundamental
invariance that is inherent to measurement-based quantum computing.
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