Risk-Limiting Audits for Condorcet Elections
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2303.10509v2
- Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2023 23:39:24 GMT
- Title: Risk-Limiting Audits for Condorcet Elections
- Authors: Michelle Blom, Peter J. Stuckey, Vanessa Teague, Damjan Vukcevic
- Abstract summary: We show how we can efficiently audit Condorcet elections for a number of variations.
We also compare the audit efficiency (how many ballots we expect to sample) of IRV and Condorcet elections.
- Score: 27.102139020324678
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Elections where electors rank the candidates (or a subset of the candidates)
in order of preference allow the collection of more information about the
electors' intent. The most widely used election of this type is Instant-Runoff
Voting (IRV), where candidates are eliminated one by one, until a single
candidate holds the majority of the remaining ballots. Condorcet elections
treat the election as a set of simultaneous decisions about each pair of
candidates. The Condorcet winner is the candidate who beats all others in these
pairwise contests. There are various proposals to determine a winner if no
Condorcet winner exists. In this paper we show how we can efficiently audit
Condorcet elections for a number of variations. We also compare the audit
efficiency (how many ballots we expect to sample) of IRV and Condorcet
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