Exponential quantum speedup in simulating coupled classical oscillators
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2303.13012v3
- Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2023 21:39:37 GMT
- Title: Exponential quantum speedup in simulating coupled classical oscillators
- Authors: Ryan Babbush, Dominic W. Berry, Robin Kothari, Rolando D. Somma and
Nathan Wiebe
- Abstract summary: We present a quantum algorithm for the classical dynamics of $2n$ coupled oscillators.
Our approach leverages a mapping between the Schr"odinger equation and Newton's equation for harmonic potentials.
We show that our approach solves a potentially practical application with an exponential speedup over classical computers.
- Score: 1.9398245011675082
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: We present a quantum algorithm for simulating the classical dynamics of $2^n$
coupled oscillators (e.g., $2^n$ masses coupled by springs). Our approach
leverages a mapping between the Schr\"odinger equation and Newton's equation
for harmonic potentials such that the amplitudes of the evolved quantum state
encode the momenta and displacements of the classical oscillators. When
individual masses and spring constants can be efficiently queried, and when the
initial state can be efficiently prepared, the complexity of our quantum
algorithm is polynomial in $n$, almost linear in the evolution time, and
sublinear in the sparsity. As an example application, we apply our quantum
algorithm to efficiently estimate the kinetic energy of an oscillator at any
time. We show that any classical algorithm solving this same problem is
inefficient and must make $2^{\Omega(n)}$ queries to the oracle and, when the
oracles are instantiated by efficient quantum circuits, the problem is
BQP-complete. Thus, our approach solves a potentially practical application
with an exponential speedup over classical computers. Finally, we show that
under similar conditions our approach can efficiently simulate more general
classical harmonic systems with $2^n$ modes.
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