Dancing the Quantum Waltz: Compiling Three-Qubit Gates on Four Level
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2303.14069v3
- Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2024 14:03:27 GMT
- Title: Dancing the Quantum Waltz: Compiling Three-Qubit Gates on Four Level
- Authors: Andrew Litteken (1), Lennart Maximilian Seifert (1), Jason D. Chadwick
(1), Natalia Nottingham (1), Tanay Roy (1 and 2), Ziqian Li (1 and 3), David
Schuster (1 and 3), Frederic T. Chong (1), Jonathan M. Baker (4) ((1)
University of Chicago, (2) Fermilab, (3) Stanford University, (4) Duke
- Abstract summary: We present direct-to-pulse implementations of several three-qubit gates, synthesized via optimal control, for compilation of three-qubit gates onto a superconducting-based architecture.
We demonstrate strategies that temporarily use higher level states to perform Toffoli gates and always use higher level states to improve fidelities for quantum circuits.
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Superconducting quantum devices are a leading technology for quantum
computation, but they suffer from several challenges. Gate errors, coherence
errors and a lack of connectivity all contribute to low fidelity results. In
particular, connectivity restrictions enforce a gate set that requires
three-qubit gates to be decomposed into one- or two-qubit gates. This
substantially increases the number of two-qubit gates that need to be executed.
However, many quantum devices have access to higher energy levels. We can
expand the qubit abstraction of $|0\rangle$ and $|1\rangle$ to a ququart which
has access to the $|2\rangle$ and $|3\rangle$ state, but with shorter coherence
times. This allows for two qubits to be encoded in one ququart, enabling
increased virtual connectivity between physical units from two adjacent qubits
to four fully connected qubits. This connectivity scheme allows us to more
efficiently execute three-qubit gates natively between two physical devices.
We present direct-to-pulse implementations of several three-qubit gates,
synthesized via optimal control, for compilation of three-qubit gates onto a
superconducting-based architecture with access to four-level devices with the
first experimental demonstration of four-level ququart gates designed through
optimal control. We demonstrate strategies that temporarily use higher level
states to perform Toffoli gates and always use higher level states to improve
fidelities for quantum circuits. We find that these methods improve expected
fidelities with increases of 2x across circuit sizes using intermediate
encoding, and increases of 3x for fully-encoded ququart compilation.
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