Diffusion map particle systems for generative modeling
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2304.00200v3
- Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2024 19:08:10 GMT
- Title: Diffusion map particle systems for generative modeling
- Authors: Fengyi Li, Youssef Marzouk,
- Abstract summary: We propose a novel diffusion map particle system (DMPS) for generative modeling, based on diffusion maps and Laplacian-adjusted Wasserstein gradient descent (LAWGD)
Diffusion maps are used to approximate the generator of the corresponding Langevin diffusion process from samples, and hence to learn the underlying data-generating manifold. LAWGD enables efficient sampling from the target distribution given a suitable choice of kernel, which we construct here via a spectral approximation of the generator, computed with diffusion maps.
Our method requires no offline training and minimal tuning, and can outperform other approaches on data sets of moderate dimension.
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: We propose a novel diffusion map particle system (DMPS) for generative modeling, based on diffusion maps and Laplacian-adjusted Wasserstein gradient descent (LAWGD). Diffusion maps are used to approximate the generator of the corresponding Langevin diffusion process from samples, and hence to learn the underlying data-generating manifold. On the other hand, LAWGD enables efficient sampling from the target distribution given a suitable choice of kernel, which we construct here via a spectral approximation of the generator, computed with diffusion maps. Our method requires no offline training and minimal tuning, and can outperform other approaches on data sets of moderate dimension.
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