Generation of a coherent squeezed like state defined with the
Lie-Trotter product formula using a nonlinear photonic crystal
- URL:
- Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2023 00:43:47 GMT
- Title: Generation of a coherent squeezed like state defined with the
Lie-Trotter product formula using a nonlinear photonic crystal
- Authors: Hiroo Azuma
- Abstract summary: We investigate how to generate coherent squeezed like light using a nonlinear photonic crystal.
We show that we can obtain this coherent squeezed like state with a squeezing level $15.9$ dB practically.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: In this paper, we investigate how to generate coherent squeezed like light
using a nonlinear photonic crystal. Because the photonic crystal reduces the
group velocity of the incident light, if it is composed of a material with a
second-order nonlinear optical susceptibility $\chi^{(2)}$, the interaction
between the nonlinear material and the light passing through it strengthens and
the quantum state of the emitted light is largely squeezed. Thus, we can
generate a coherent squeezed like light with a resonating cavity in which the
nonlinear photonic crystal is placed. This coherent squeezed like state is
defined with the Lie-Trotter product formula and its mathematical expression is
different from those of conventional coherent squeezed states. We show that we
can obtain this coherent squeezed like state with a squeezing level $15.9$ dB
practically by adjusting physical parameters for our proposed method. Feeding
the squeezed light whose average number of photons is given by one or two into
a beam splitter and splitting the flow of the squeezed light into a pair of
entangled light beams, we estimate their entanglement quantitatively. This
paper is a sequel to H. Azuma, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 55, 315106 (2022).
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