A technical note on bilinear layers for interpretability
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2305.03452v1
- Date: Fri, 5 May 2023 11:56:26 GMT
- Title: A technical note on bilinear layers for interpretability
- Authors: Lee Sharkey
- Abstract summary: Bilinear layers are a type of layer that are mathematically much easier to analyze.
We can integrate this expression for bilinear layers into a mathematical framework for transformer circuits.
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: The ability of neural networks to represent more features than neurons makes
interpreting them challenging. This phenomenon, known as superposition, has
spurred efforts to find architectures that are more interpretable than standard
multilayer perceptrons (MLPs) with elementwise activation functions. In this
note, I examine bilinear layers, which are a type of MLP layer that are
mathematically much easier to analyze while simultaneously performing better
than standard MLPs. Although they are nonlinear functions of their input, I
demonstrate that bilinear layers can be expressed using only linear operations
and third order tensors. We can integrate this expression for bilinear layers
into a mathematical framework for transformer circuits, which was previously
limited to attention-only transformers. These results suggest that bilinear
layers are easier to analyze mathematically than current architectures and thus
may lend themselves to deeper safety insights by allowing us to talk more
formally about circuits in neural networks. Additionally, bilinear layers may
offer an alternative path for mechanistic interpretability through
understanding the mechanisms of feature construction instead of enumerating a
(potentially exponentially) large number of features in large models.
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