Dual-constrained Deep Semi-Supervised Coupled Factorization Network with
Enriched Prior
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2009.03714v2
- Date: Tue, 7 Sep 2021 09:08:51 GMT
- Title: Dual-constrained Deep Semi-Supervised Coupled Factorization Network with
Enriched Prior
- Authors: Yan Zhang, Zhao Zhang, Yang Wang, Zheng Zhang, Li Zhang, Shuicheng
Yan, Meng Wang
- Abstract summary: We propose a new enriched prior based Dual-constrained Deep Semi-Supervised Coupled Factorization Network, called DS2CF-Net.
To ex-tract hidden deep features, DS2CF-Net is modeled as a deep-structure and geometrical structure-constrained neural network.
Our network can obtain state-of-the-art performance for representation learning and clustering.
- Score: 80.5637175255349
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Nonnegative matrix factorization is usually powerful for learning the
"shallow" parts-based representation, but it clearly fails to discover deep
hierarchical information within both the basis and representation spaces. In
this paper, we technically propose a new enriched prior based Dual-constrained
Deep Semi-Supervised Coupled Factorization Network, called DS2CF-Net, for
learning the hierarchical coupled representations. To ex-tract hidden deep
features, DS2CF-Net is modeled as a deep-structure and geometrical
structure-constrained neural network. Specifically, DS2CF-Net designs a deep
coupled factorization architecture using multi-layers of linear
transformations, which coupled updates the bases and new representations in
each layer. To improve the discriminating ability of learned deep
representations and deep coefficients, our network clearly considers enriching
the supervised prior by the joint deep coefficients-regularized label
prediction, and incorporates enriched prior information as additional label and
structure constraints. The label constraint can enable the samples of the same
label to have the same coordinate in the new feature space, while the structure
constraint forces the coefficient matrices in each layer to be block-diagonal
so that the enhanced prior using the self-expressive label propagation are more
accurate. Our network also integrates the adaptive dual-graph learning to
retain the local manifold structures of both the data manifold and feature
manifold by minimizing the reconstruction errors in each layer. Extensive
experiments on several real databases demonstrate that our DS2CF-Net can obtain
state-of-the-art performance for representation learning and clustering.
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