A Race Track Trapped-Ion Quantum Processor
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2305.03828v2
- Date: Tue, 16 May 2023 17:20:44 GMT
- Title: A Race Track Trapped-Ion Quantum Processor
- Authors: S. A. Moses, C. H. Baldwin, M. S. Allman, R. Ancona, L. Ascarrunz, C.
Barnes, J. Bartolotta, B. Bjork, P. Blanchard, M. Bohn, J. G. Bohnet, N. C.
Brown, N. Q. Burdick, W. C. Burton, S. L. Campbell, J. P. Campora III, C.
Carron, J. Chambers, J. W. Chan, Y. H. Chen, A. Chernoguzov, E. Chertkov, J.
Colina, J. P. Curtis, R. Daniel, M. DeCross, D. Deen, C. Delaney, J. M.
Dreiling, C. T. Ertsgaard, J. Esposito, B. Estey, M. Fabrikant, C. Figgatt,
C. Foltz, M. Foss-Feig, D. Francois, J. P. Gaebler, T. M. Gatterman, C. N.
Gilbreth, J. Giles, E. Glynn, A. Hall, A. M. Hankin, A. Hansen, D. Hayes, B.
Higashi, I. M. Hoffman, B. Horning, J. J. Hout, R. Jacobs, J. Johansen, L.
Jones, J. Karcz, T. Klein, P. Lauria, P. Lee, D. Liefer, C. Lytle, S. T. Lu,
D. Lucchetti, A. Malm, M. Matheny, B. Mathewson, K. Mayer, D. B. Miller, M.
Mills, B. Neyenhuis, L. Nugent, S. Olson, J. Parks, G. N. Price, Z. Price, M.
Pugh, A. Ransford, A. P. Reed, C. Roman, M. Rowe, C. Ryan-Anderson, S.
Sanders, J. Sedlacek, P. Shevchuk, P. Siegfried, T. Skripka, B. Spaun, R. T.
Sprenkle, R. P. Stutz, M. Swallows, R. I. Tobey, A. Tran, T. Tran, E. Vogt,
C. Volin, J. Walker, A. M. Zolot, and J. M. Pino
- Abstract summary: We describe and benchmark a new quantum charge-coupled device based on a linear trap with periodic boundary conditions.
The system is initially operated with 32 qubits, but future upgrades will allow for more.
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: We describe and benchmark a new quantum charge-coupled device (QCCD)
trapped-ion quantum computer based on a linear trap with periodic boundary
conditions, which resembles a race track. The new system successfully
incorporates several technologies crucial to future scalability, including
electrode broadcasting, multi-layer RF routing, and magneto-optical trap (MOT)
loading, while maintaining, and in some cases exceeding, the gate fidelities of
previous QCCD systems. The system is initially operated with 32 qubits, but
future upgrades will allow for more. We benchmark the performance of primitive
operations, including an average state preparation and measurement error of
1.6(1)$\times 10^{-3}$, an average single-qubit gate infidelity of
$2.5(3)\times 10^{-5}$, and an average two-qubit gate infidelity of
$1.84(5)\times 10^{-3}$. The system-level performance of the quantum processor
is assessed with mirror benchmarking, linear cross-entropy benchmarking, a
quantum volume measurement of $\mathrm{QV}=2^{16}$, and the creation of
32-qubit entanglement in a GHZ state. We also tested application benchmarks
including Hamiltonian simulation, QAOA, error correction on a repetition code,
and dynamics simulations using qubit reuse. We also discuss future upgrades to
the new system aimed at adding more qubits and capabilities.
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