Quantum limits of parameter estimation in long-baseline imaging
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2305.03848v1
- Date: Fri, 5 May 2023 21:05:52 GMT
- Title: Quantum limits of parameter estimation in long-baseline imaging
- Authors: Aqil Sajjad, Michael R Grace, Saikat Guha
- Abstract summary: We show the origins of the enhancement provided by distributed imaging systems, over and above a single monolithic telescope.
We show how quantum-optimal measurements can be realized via beam-combination strategies of two classes.
- Score: 1.0828616610785522
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Distributed aperture telescopes are a well-established approach for boosting
resolution in astronomical imaging. However, theoretical limits on quantitative
imaging precision, and the fundamentally best possible beam-combining and
detection schemes to use with such arrays, remain largely unexplored. Using
mathematical tools of the quantum and classical Cramer-Rao bounds, we perform
analyses showing the fundamental origins of the enhancement provided by
distributed imaging systems, over and above a single monolithic telescope, and
consider the precision with which one can estimate any desired parameter
embedded in a scene's incoherent radiation with a multi-aperture imaging
system. We show how quantum-optimal measurements can be realized via
beam-combination strategies of two classes: (1) multi-axial: where light from
different apertures is directed to a common focal plane, e.g., of a
segmented-aperture telescope; and (2) co-axial: where light collected at each
aperture, e.g., telescope sites of a long-baseline array, is routed to an
optical interferometer. As an example, we show an explicit calculation of the
quantum Fisher information (QFI) for estimating the angular separation between
two-point emitters using two identical apertures separated by a baseline
distance. We show that this QFI splits instructively into additive
contributions from the single apertures and from the baseline. We quantify the
relative benefits of intra-telescope (e.g., spatial-mode) optical processing
and inter-telescope beam combination. We show how both receiver designs can
capture both sources of information and discuss how similar methods could be
extended to more general imaging tasks. We discuss translating QFI-attaining
measurements to explicit receiver designs, and the use of pre-shared
entanglement to achieve the QFI when it is impractical to co-locate and combine
light collected by the apertures.
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