Valuation of a Financial Claim Contingent on the Outcome of a Quantum
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- Date: Mon, 30 Oct 2023 14:43:34 GMT
- Title: Valuation of a Financial Claim Contingent on the Outcome of a Quantum
- Authors: Lane P. Hughston and Leandro S\'anchez-Betancourt
- Abstract summary: A quantum system is given in the Heisenberg representation by a known density matrix $hat p$.
How much will the agent be willing to pay at time $0$ to enter into such a contract?
We show that there exists a pricing state $hat q$ which is equivalent to the physical state $hat p$ on null spaces.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: We consider a rational agent who at time $0$ enters into a financial contract
for which the payout is determined by a quantum measurement at some time $T>0$.
The state of the quantum system is given in the Heisenberg representation by a
known density matrix $\hat p$. How much will the agent be willing to pay at
time $0$ to enter into such a contract? In the case of a finite dimensional
Hilbert space, each such claim is represented by an observable $\hat X_T$ where
the eigenvalues of $\hat X_T$ determine the amount paid if the corresponding
outcome is obtained in the measurement. We prove, under reasonable axioms, that
there exists a pricing state $\hat q$ which is equivalent to the physical state
$\hat p$ on null spaces such that the pricing function $\Pi_{0T}$ takes the
form $\Pi_{0T}(\hat X_T) = P_{0T}\,{\rm tr} ( \hat q \hat X_T) $ for any claim
$\hat X_T$, where $P_{0T}$ is the one-period discount factor. By "equivalent"
we mean that $\hat p$ and $\hat q$ share the same null space: thus, for any
$|\xi \rangle \in \mathcal H$ one has $\langle \bar \xi | \hat p | \xi \rangle
= 0$ if and only if $\langle \bar \xi | \hat q | \xi \rangle = 0$. We introduce
a class of optimization problems and solve for the optimal contract payout
structure for a claim based on a given measurement. Then we consider the
implications of the Kochen-Specker theorem in such a setting and we look at the
problem of forming portfolios of such contracts. Finally, we consider
multi-period contracts.
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