Unbounded Quantum Advantage in One-Way Strong Communication Complexity
of a Distributed Clique Labelling Relation
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2305.10372v2
- Date: Wed, 26 Jul 2023 18:02:06 GMT
- Title: Unbounded Quantum Advantage in One-Way Strong Communication Complexity
of a Distributed Clique Labelling Relation
- Authors: Sumit Rout, Nitica Sakharwade, Some Sankar Bhattacharya, Ravishankar
Ramanathan, Pawe{\l} Horodecki
- Abstract summary: We investigate the one-way zero-error classical and quantum communication complexities for a class of relations induced by a distributed clique labelling problem.
We show that for the specific class of relations considered here when the players do not share any resources, there is no quantum advantage in the CCR task for any graph.
We highlight some applications of this task to semi-device-independent dimension witnessing as well as to the detection of Mutually Unbiased Bases.
- Score: 0.19090202146054183
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: We investigate the one-way zero-error classical and quantum communication
complexities for a class of relations induced by a distributed clique labelling
problem. We consider two variants: 1) the receiver outputs an answer satisfying
the relation - the traditional communication complexity of relations (CCR) and
2) the receiver has non-zero probabilities of outputting every valid answer
satisfying the relation (equivalently, the relation can be fully
reconstructed), that we denote the strong communication complexity of the
relation (S-CCR). We prove that for the specific class of relations considered
here when the players do not share any resources, there is no quantum advantage
in the CCR task for any graph. On the other hand, we show that there exist,
classes of graphs for which the separation between one-way classical and
quantum communication in the S-CCR task grow with the order of the graph $m$,
specifically, the quantum complexity is $O(1)$ while the classical complexity
is $\Omega(\log m)$. Secondly, we prove a lower bound (that is linear in the
number of cliques) on the amount of shared randomness necessary to overcome the
separation in the scenario of fixed restricted communication and connect this
to the existence of Orthogonal Arrays. Finally, we highlight some applications
of this task to semi-device-independent dimension witnessing as well as to the
detection of Mutually Unbiased Bases.
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