Exploiting Observation Bias to Improve Matrix Completion
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2306.04775v2
- Date: Mon, 5 Feb 2024 00:25:10 GMT
- Title: Exploiting Observation Bias to Improve Matrix Completion
- Authors: Yassir Jedra, Sean Mann, Charlotte Park, Devavrat Shah
- Abstract summary: We consider a variant of matrix completion where entries are revealed in a biased manner.
The goal is to exploit the shared information between the bias and the outcome of interest to improve predictions.
We find that with this two-stage algorithm, the estimates have 30x smaller mean squared error compared to traditional matrix completion methods.
- Score: 16.57405742112833
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: We consider a variant of matrix completion where entries are revealed in a
biased manner, adopting a model akin to that introduced by Ma and Chen. Instead
of treating this observation bias as a disadvantage, as is typically the case,
the goal is to exploit the shared information between the bias and the outcome
of interest to improve predictions. Towards this, we consider a natural model
where the observation pattern and outcome of interest are driven by the same
set of underlying latent or unobserved factors. This leads to a two stage
matrix completion algorithm: first, recover (distances between) the latent
factors by utilizing matrix completion for the fully observed noisy binary
matrix corresponding to the observation pattern; second, utilize the recovered
latent factors as features and sparsely observed noisy outcomes as labels to
perform non-parametric supervised learning. The finite-sample error rates
analysis suggests that, ignoring logarithmic factors, this approach is
competitive with the corresponding supervised learning parametric rates. This
implies the two-stage method has performance that is comparable to having
access to the unobserved latent factors through exploiting the shared
information between the bias and outcomes. Through empirical evaluation using a
real-world dataset, we find that with this two-stage algorithm, the estimates
have 30x smaller mean squared error compared to traditional matrix completion
methods, suggesting the utility of the model and the method proposed in this
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