HDDL 2.1: Towards Defining a Formalism and a Semantics for Temporal HTN
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2306.07353v1
- Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2023 18:21:23 GMT
- Title: HDDL 2.1: Towards Defining a Formalism and a Semantics for Temporal HTN
- Authors: Damien Pellier, Alexandre Albore, Humbert Fiorino, Rafael Bailon-Ruiz
- Abstract summary: Real world applications need modelling rich and diverse automated planning problems.
hierarchical task network (HTN) formalism does not allow to represent planning problems with numerical and temporal constraints.
We propose to fill the gap between HDDL and these operational needs and to extend HDDL by taking inspiration from PDDL 2.1.
- Score: 64.07762708909846
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Real world applications as in industry and robotics need modelling rich and
diverse automated planning problems. Their resolution usually requires
coordinated and concurrent action execution. In several cases, these problems
are naturally decomposed in a hierarchical way and expressed by a Hierarchical
Task Network (HTN) formalism.
HDDL, a hierarchical extension of the Planning Domain Definition Language
(PDDL), unlike PDDL 2.1 does not allow to represent planning problems with
numerical and temporal constraints, which are essential for real world
applications. We propose to fill the gap between HDDL and these operational
needs and to extend HDDL by taking inspiration from PDDL 2.1 in order to
express numerical and temporal expressions. This paper opens discussions on the
semantics and the syntax needed for a future HDDL 2.1 extension.
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