Single-Step Parity Check Gate Set for Quantum Error Correction
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- Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2023 04:24:56 GMT
- Title: Single-Step Parity Check Gate Set for Quantum Error Correction
- Authors: G\"ozde \"Ust\"un, Andrea Morello and Simon Devitt
- Abstract summary: A key requirement for an effective Quantum Error Correction scheme is that the physical qubits have error rates below a certain threshold.
We exploit the insight that a QEC code does not require universal logic gates, but can be simplified to perform the sole task of error detection and correction.
We present a rigorous formalism for constructing and verifying the error behavior of these gates, linking the physical measurement of a process matrix to the abstract error models commonly used in QEC analysis.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: A key requirement for an effective Quantum Error Correction (QEC) scheme is
that the physical qubits have error rates below a certain threshold. The value
of this threshold depends on the details of the specific QEC scheme, and its
hardware-level implementation. This is especially important with parity-check
circuits, which are the fundamental building blocks of QEC codes. The standard
way of constructing the parity check circuit is using a universal set of gates,
namely sequential CNOT gates, single-qubit rotations and measurements. We
exploit the insight that a QEC code does not require universal logic gates, but
can be simplified to perform the sole task of error detection and correction.
By building gates that are fundamental to QEC, we can boost the threshold and
ease the experimental demands on the physical hardware. We present a rigorous
formalism for constructing and verifying the error behavior of these gates,
linking the physical measurement of a process matrix to the abstract error
models commonly used in QEC analysis. This allows experimentalists to directly
map the gates used in their systems to thresholds derived for a broad-class of
QEC codes. We give an example of these new constructions using the model system
of two nuclear spins, coupled to an electron spin, showing the potential
benefits of redesigning fundamental gate sets using QEC primitives, rather than
traditional gate sets reliant on simple single and two-qubit gates.
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