Beyond Deep Ensembles: A Large-Scale Evaluation of Bayesian Deep
Learning under Distribution Shift
- URL:
- Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2023 20:03:55 GMT
- Title: Beyond Deep Ensembles: A Large-Scale Evaluation of Bayesian Deep
Learning under Distribution Shift
- Authors: Florian Seligmann, Philipp Becker, Michael Volpp, Gerhard Neumann
- Abstract summary: We evaluate modern BDL algorithms on real-world datasets from the WILDS collection containing challenging classification and regression tasks.
We compare the algorithms on a wide range of large, convolutional and transformer-based neural network architectures.
We provide the first systematic evaluation of BDL for fine-tuning large pre-trained models.
- Score: 19.945634052291542
- License:
- Abstract: Bayesian deep learning (BDL) is a promising approach to achieve
well-calibrated predictions on distribution-shifted data. Nevertheless, there
exists no large-scale survey that evaluates recent SOTA methods on diverse,
realistic, and challenging benchmark tasks in a systematic manner. To provide a
clear picture of the current state of BDL research, we evaluate modern BDL
algorithms on real-world datasets from the WILDS collection containing
challenging classification and regression tasks, with a focus on generalization
capability and calibration under distribution shift. We compare the algorithms
on a wide range of large, convolutional and transformer-based neural network
architectures. In particular, we investigate a signed version of the expected
calibration error that reveals whether the methods are over- or
under-confident, providing further insight into the behavior of the methods.
Further, we provide the first systematic evaluation of BDL for fine-tuning
large pre-trained models, where training from scratch is prohibitively
expensive. Finally, given the recent success of Deep Ensembles, we extend
popular single-mode posterior approximations to multiple modes by the use of
ensembles. While we find that ensembling single-mode approximations generally
improves the generalization capability and calibration of the models by a
significant margin, we also identify a failure mode of ensembles when
finetuning large transformer-based language models. In this setting,
variational inference based approaches such as last-layer Bayes By Backprop
outperform other methods in terms of accuracy by a large margin, while modern
approximate inference algorithms such as SWAG achieve the best calibration.
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