Chiral spin liquid phase in an optical lattice at mean-field level
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- Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2024 12:53:17 GMT
- Title: Chiral spin liquid phase in an optical lattice at mean-field level
- Authors: Jian Yang and Xiong-Jun Liu
- Abstract summary: An effective U($1$) gauge flux generated by Raman potentials plays a major role in realizing the CSL phase.
By spinon mean-field analysis it is shown that CSL phase is stabilized in the case of strong magnetic frustration.
- Score: 17.017807180139943
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- Abstract: We study an optical Raman square lattice with $\mathrm{U}(1)$ synthetic gauge
flux to show chiral spin liquid (CSL) phase for cold atoms based on slave-rotor
theory and spinon mean-field theory, respectively. An effective U($1$) gauge
flux generated by Raman potentials plays a major role in realizing the CSL
phase. By using slave-rotor techniques we find CSL phase at intermediate
on-site Fermi Hubbard interacting regime. For the strong interacting regime we
derive an effective spin model including up to the four spin interactions. By
spinon mean-field analysis it is shown that CSL phase is stabilized in the case
of strong magnetic frustration. The two mean-field approximation methods give
consistent phase diagrams and provide qualitative numerical evidence of the CSL
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