Landmark Guided Active Exploration with State-specific Balance Coefficient
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- Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2024 16:19:48 GMT
- Title: Landmark Guided Active Exploration with State-specific Balance Coefficient
- Authors: Fei Cui, Jiaojiao Fang, Mengke Yang, Guizhong Liu,
- Abstract summary: We design a measure of prospect for sub-goals by planning in the goal space based on the goal-conditioned value function.
We propose a landmark-guided exploration strategy by integrating the measures of prospect and novelty.
- Score: 4.539657469634845
- License:
- Abstract: Goal-conditioned hierarchical reinforcement learning (GCHRL) decomposes long-horizon tasks into sub-tasks through a hierarchical framework and it has demonstrated promising results across a variety of domains. However, the high-level policy's action space is often excessively large, presenting a significant challenge to effective exploration and resulting in potentially inefficient training. In this paper, we design a measure of prospect for sub-goals by planning in the goal space based on the goal-conditioned value function. Building upon the measure of prospect, we propose a landmark-guided exploration strategy by integrating the measures of prospect and novelty which aims to guide the agent to explore efficiently and improve sample efficiency. In order to dynamically consider the impact of prospect and novelty on exploration, we introduce a state-specific balance coefficient to balance the significance of prospect and novelty. The experimental results demonstrate that our proposed exploration strategy significantly outperforms the baseline methods across multiple tasks.
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