A 2 & 3 Player Scheme for Quantum Direct Communication
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2307.01620v1
- Date: Tue, 4 Jul 2023 10:16:17 GMT
- Title: A 2 & 3 Player Scheme for Quantum Direct Communication
- Authors: Theodore Andronikos and Alla Sirokofskich
- Abstract summary: Two protocols achieve quantum secure direct communication between Alice and Bob in the first case, and among Alice, Bod and Charlie in the second case.
Both protocols use the same novel method to embed the secret information in the entangled composite system of the players.
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: This paper introduces two information-theoretically secure protocols that
achieve quantum secure direct communication between Alice and Bob in the first
case, and among Alice, Bod and Charlie in the second case. Both protocols use
the same novel method to embed the secret information in the entangled
composite system of the players. The way of encoding the information is the
main novelty of this paper and the distinguishing feature compared to previous
works in the field. The advantage of this method is that it is easily
extensible and can be generalized to a setting involving three, or even more,
players, as demonstrated with the second protocol. This trait can be beneficial
when two spatially separated players posses only part of the secret information
that must be combined and transmitted to Alice in order for her to reveal the
complete secret. Using the three player protocol, this task can be achieved in
one go, without the need to apply a typical QSDC protocol twice, where Alice
first receives Bob's information and afterwards Charlie's information. Another
characteristic of both protocols is their simplicity and uniformity. The two
player protocol relies on EPR pairs, and the three player protocol on GHZ
triples, which can be easily prepared with our current technology. In the same
vein, the local quantum circuits are similar or identical, and are easily
constructible as they employ only Hadamard and CNOT gates.
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