Geometric post-Newtonian description of massive spin-half particles in
curved spacetime
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- Date: Sun, 29 Oct 2023 12:49:36 GMT
- Title: Geometric post-Newtonian description of massive spin-half particles in
curved spacetime
- Authors: Ashkan Alibabaei, Philip K. Schwartz, Domenico Giulini
- Abstract summary: We consider the Dirac equation coupled to an external electromagnetic field in curved four-dimensional spacetime with a given timelike worldline $gamma$ representing a classical clock.
We use generalised Fermi normal coordinates in a tubular neighbourhood of $gamma$ and expand the Dirac equation up to, and including, the second order in the dimensionless parameter.
We give the weak-gravity post-Newtonian expression for the Pauli Hamiltonian of a spin-half particle in an external electromagnetic field.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: We consider the Dirac equation coupled to an external electromagnetic field
in curved four-dimensional spacetime with a given timelike worldline $\gamma$
representing a classical clock. We use generalised Fermi normal coordinates in
a tubular neighbourhood of $\gamma$ and expand the Dirac equation up to, and
including, the second order in the dimensionless parameter given by the ratio
of the geodesic distance to the radii defined by spacetime curvature, linear
acceleration of $\gamma$, and angular velocity of rotation of the employed
spatial reference frame along $\gamma$. With respect to the time measured by
the clock $\gamma$, we compute the Dirac Hamiltonian to that order. On top of
this `weak-gravity' expansion we then perform a post-Newtonian expansion up to,
and including, the second order of $1/c$, corresponding to a `slow-velocity'
expansion with respect to $\gamma$. As a result of these combined expansions we
give the weak-gravity post-Newtonian expression for the Pauli Hamiltonian of a
spin-half particle in an external electromagnetic field. This extends and
partially corrects recent results from the literature, which we discuss and
compare in some detail.
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