論文の概要: Deep Network Approximation: Beyond ReLU to Diverse Activation Functions
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2307.06555v4
- Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2023 22:38:27 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2023-10-13 05:46:02.022226
- Title: Deep Network Approximation: Beyond ReLU to Diverse Activation Functions
- Title(参考訳): Deep Network Approximation: ReLUを超えて、さまざまなアクティベーション関数
- Authors: Shijun Zhang, Jianfeng Lu, Hongkai Zhao
- Abstract要約: 本稿では,多様な活性化関数に対するディープニューラルネットワークの表現力について検討する。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 12.479831561907007
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: This paper explores the expressive power of deep neural networks for a
diverse range of activation functions. An activation function set $\mathscr{A}$
is defined to encompass the majority of commonly used activation functions,
such as $\mathtt{ReLU}$, $\mathtt{LeakyReLU}$, $\mathtt{ReLU}^2$,
$\mathtt{ELU}$, $\mathtt{SELU}$, $\mathtt{Softplus}$, $\mathtt{GELU}$,
$\mathtt{SiLU}$, $\mathtt{Swish}$, $\mathtt{Mish}$, $\mathtt{Sigmoid}$,
$\mathtt{Tanh}$, $\mathtt{Arctan}$, $\mathtt{Softsign}$, $\mathtt{dSiLU}$, and
$\mathtt{SRS}$. We demonstrate that for any activation function $\varrho\in
\mathscr{A}$, a $\mathtt{ReLU}$ network of width $N$ and depth $L$ can be
approximated to arbitrary precision by a $\varrho$-activated network of width
$3N$ and depth $2L$ on any bounded set. This finding enables the extension of
most approximation results achieved with $\mathtt{ReLU}$ networks to a wide
variety of other activation functions, albeit with slightly increased
constants. Significantly, we establish that the (width,$\,$depth) scaling
factors that appeared in the previous result can be further reduced from
$(3,2)$ to $(1,1)$ if $\varrho$ falls within a specific subset of
$\mathscr{A}$. This subset includes activation functions such as
$\mathtt{ELU}$, $\mathtt{SELU}$, $\mathtt{Softplus}$, $\mathtt{GELU}$,
$\mathtt{SiLU}$, $\mathtt{Swish}$, and $\mathtt{Mish}$.
- Abstract(参考訳): 本稿では,多様な活性化関数に対するディープニューラルネットワークの表現力について検討する。
$\mathtt{ReLU}$, $\mathtt{LeakyReLU}$, $\matht{ReLU}^2$, $\matht{ELU}$, $\matht{SELU}$, $\matht{Softplus}$, $\matht{GELU}$, $\matht{SiLU}$, $\matht{Swish}$, $\matht{Swish}$, $\matht{Mish}$, $\matht{Sigmoid}$, $\matht{ReLU}$, $\matht{Sigmoid}$, $\matht{ReLU}^2$, $\mathtt{SELU}$, $, $\mathtt{Softplus}$, $\mathtt{GELU}$, $, $\mathttt{Swish}$, $, $\mathtt{Swish}$, $\mathtt{Swish}$, $, $\mathtt{Swish}$, $\mathtt{Swish}$, $, $\mathttt{Sig}$\mathtt{Sig}$, $, $\mathttttt{Sig}$, $, $\mathttttt{Sig}$\matht{Sig}$, $, $\mathttttt{Sig}$}$, $\mathttt{Sig}$}$}$, $}$, $\matht{Swt{Swt{Sw}$, $, $\matht{Swt{Swt{Sw}$, $, $}
任意の活性化関数 $\varrho\in \mathscr{A}$, a $\mathtt{ReLU}$ network of width $N$ and depth $L$ に対して、任意の有界集合上の$\varrho$-activated network of width $3N$ and depth $2L$ を任意の精度で近似できることを示した。
注目すべきなのは,前回の結果に現れた (width,$\,$depth) スケーリング係数が$(3,2)$ から $(1,1)$ まで,$\varrho$ が $\mathscr{a}$ の特定のサブセット内に入る場合,さらに削減可能であることだ。
このサブセットには、$\mathtt{ELU}$, $\mathtt{SELU}$, $\mathtt{Softplus}$, $\matht{GELU}$, $\matht{SiLU}$, $\mathtt{Swish}$, $\mathtt{Mish}$などの活性化関数が含まれる。
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