Identifying Vulnerable Third-Party Java Libraries from Textual
Descriptions of Vulnerabilities and Libraries
- URL:
- Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2023 13:49:00 GMT
- Title: Identifying Vulnerable Third-Party Java Libraries from Textual
Descriptions of Vulnerabilities and Libraries
- Authors: Tianyu Chen, Lin Li, Bingjie Shan, Guangtai Liang, Ding Li, Qianxiang
Wang, Tao Xie
- Abstract summary: VulLibMiner is first to identify vulnerable libraries from textual descriptions of both vulnerabilities and libraries.
We evaluate VulLibMiner using four state-of-the-art/practice approaches of identifying vulnerable libraries on both their dataset named VeraJava and our VulLib dataset.
- Score: 15.573551625937556
- License:
- Abstract: To address security vulnerabilities arising from third-party libraries,
security researchers maintain databases monitoring and curating vulnerability
reports. Application developers can identify vulnerable libraries by directly
querying the databases with their used libraries. However, the querying results
of vulnerable libraries are not reliable due to the incompleteness of
vulnerability reports. Thus, current approaches model the task of identifying
vulnerable libraries as a named-entity-recognition (NER) task or an extreme
multi-label learning (XML) task. These approaches suffer from highly inaccurate
results in identifying vulnerable libraries with complex and similar names,
e.g., Java libraries. To address these limitations, in this paper, we propose
VulLibMiner, the first to identify vulnerable libraries from textual
descriptions of both vulnerabilities and libraries, together with VulLib, a
Java vulnerability dataset with their affected libraries. VulLibMiner consists
of a TF-IDF matcher to efficiently screen out a small set of candidate
libraries and a BERT-FNN model to identify vulnerable libraries from these
candidates effectively. We evaluate VulLibMiner using four
state-of-the-art/practice approaches of identifying vulnerable libraries on
both their dataset named VeraJava and our VulLib dataset. Our evaluation
results show that VulLibMiner can effectively identify vulnerable libraries
with an average F1 score of 0.657 while the state-of-the-art/practice
approaches achieve only 0.521.
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