Influence of squeezing on the weak-to-strong measurement transition
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- Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 01:33:39 GMT
- Title: Influence of squeezing on the weak-to-strong measurement transition
- Authors: Kevin Araya-Sossa and Miguel Orszag
- Abstract summary: We show that the shift in the pointer's position and momentum establishes a relationship with a new value defined as the transition value.
A new strategy is introduced to achieve different measurement regimes by just adjusting the parameters of the coherent squeezed pointer state.
Our scheme has been theoretically applied in a trapped ion illuminated by a bichromatic laser beam, with a high potential to be implemented in future setups.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: In this work, we study the measurement transition for a coherent squeezed
pointer state through a transition factor $\Gamma$ that involves a
system-pointer coupling by using an arbitrary measured observable $A$. In
addition, we show that the shift in the pointer's position and momentum
establishes a relationship with a new value defined as the transition value,
which generalizes the weak value as well as the conditional expectaction value.
Furthermore, a new strategy is introduced to achieve different measurement
regimes by just adjusting the $r$ and $\phi_{\xi}$ parameters of the coherent
squeezed pointer state, opening an interesting way to test quantum mechanics
foundations. Our scheme has been theoretically applied in a trapped ion
illuminated by a bichromatic laser beam, with a high potential to be
implemented in future experimental setups.
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