Can Schrodingerist Wavefunction Physics Explain Brownian Motion? II. The
Diffusion Coefficient
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- Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2023 21:20:02 GMT
- Title: Can Schrodingerist Wavefunction Physics Explain Brownian Motion? II. The
Diffusion Coefficient
- Authors: W. David Wick
- Abstract summary: In the first paper of this series, I investigated whether a wavefunction model of a heavy particle and a collection of light particles might generate "Brownian-Motion-Like" trajectories.
I concluded that it was possible, but left unsettled the second claim in Einstein's classical program: diffusive motion.
In this paper, I derive a criterion for diffusive motion, as well as an expression for the diffusion coefficient.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: In the first paper of this series, I investigated whether a wavefunction
model of a heavy particle and a collection of light particles might generate
"Brownian-Motion-Like" trajectories of the heavy particle. I concluded that it
was possible, but left unsettled the second claim in Einstein's classical
program: diffusive motion, proportional to the square-root of time, as opposed
to ballistic motion, proportional to the time. In this paper, I derive a
criterion for diffusive motion, as well as an expression for the diffusion
coefficient. Unfortunately, as in paper I, no exact solutions are available for
the models, making checking the criterion difficult. But a virtue of the method
employed here is that, given adequate information about model eigenvalues and
eigenfunctions, diffusion can be definitively ruled in or out.
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