Statistical Estimation Under Distribution Shift: Wasserstein
Perturbations and Minimax Theory
- URL:
- Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2023 00:40:47 GMT
- Title: Statistical Estimation Under Distribution Shift: Wasserstein
Perturbations and Minimax Theory
- Authors: Patrick Chao, Edgar Dobriban
- Abstract summary: We focus on Wasserstein distribution shifts, where every data point may undergo a slight perturbation.
We consider perturbations that are either independent or coordinated joint shifts across data points.
We analyze several important statistical problems, including location estimation, linear regression, and non-parametric density estimation.
- Score: 24.540342159350015
- License:
- Abstract: Distribution shifts are a serious concern in modern statistical learning as
they can systematically change the properties of the data away from the truth.
We focus on Wasserstein distribution shifts, where every data point may undergo
a slight perturbation, as opposed to the Huber contamination model where a
fraction of observations are outliers. We consider perturbations that are
either independent or coordinated joint shifts across data points. We analyze
several important statistical problems, including location estimation, linear
regression, and non-parametric density estimation. Under a squared loss for
mean estimation and prediction error in linear regression, we find the exact
minimax risk, a least favorable perturbation, and show that the sample mean and
least squares estimators are respectively optimal. For other problems, we
provide nearly optimal estimators and precise finite-sample bounds. We also
introduce several tools for bounding the minimax risk under general
distribution shifts, not just for Wasserstein perturbations, such as a
smoothing technique for location families, and generalizations of classical
tools including least favorable sequences of priors, the modulus of continuity,
as well as Le Cam's, Fano's, and Assouad's methods.
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