Quantum resources in Harrow-Hassidim-Lloyd algorithm
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.04021v2
- Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2024 08:06:04 GMT
- Title: Quantum resources in Harrow-Hassidim-Lloyd algorithm
- Authors: Pradeep Kumar, Tanoy Kanti Konar, Leela Ganesh Chandra Lakkaraju, Aditi Sen De,
- Abstract summary: We prove that nonvanishing quantum correlations, both bipartite and genuine multipartite entanglement, are required for solving nontrivial linear systems of equations.
We find a nonvanishing l1-norm quantum coherence of the entire system and the register qubit which turns out to be related to the success probability of the algorithm.
- Score: 1.4605137432098108
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Quantum algorithms have the ability to reduce runtime for executing tasks beyond the capabilities of classical algorithms. Therefore, identifying the resources responsible for quantum advantages is an interesting endeavour. We prove that nonvanishing quantum correlations, both bipartite and genuine multipartite entanglement, are required for solving nontrivial linear systems of equations in the Harrow-Hassidim-Lloyd (HHL) algorithm. Moreover, we find a nonvanishing l1-norm quantum coherence of the entire system and the register qubit which turns out to be related to the success probability of the algorithm. Quantitative analysis of the quantum resources reveals that while a significant amount of bipartite entanglement is generated in each step and required for this algorithm, multipartite entanglement content is inversely proportional to the performance indicator. In addition, we report that when imperfections chosen from Gaussian distribution are incorporated in controlled rotations, multipartite entanglement increases with the strength of the disorder, albeit error also increases while bipartite entanglement and coherence decreases, confirming the beneficial role of bipartite entanglement and coherence in this algorithm.
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