Spiking-Diffusion: Vector Quantized Discrete Diffusion Model with
Spiking Neural Networks
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.10187v4
- Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2023 02:19:24 GMT
- Title: Spiking-Diffusion: Vector Quantized Discrete Diffusion Model with
Spiking Neural Networks
- Authors: Mingxuan Liu, Jie Gan, Rui Wen, Tao Li, Yongli Chen, and Hong Chen
- Abstract summary: Spiking neural networks (SNNs) have tremendous potential for energy-efficient neuromorphic chips.
We propose a Spiking-Diffusion model, which is based on the vector quantized discrete diffusion model.
Experimental results on MNIST, FMNIST, KMNIST, Letters, and Cifar10 demonstrate that Spiking-Diffusion outperforms the existing SNN-based generation model.
- Score: 13.586012318909907
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Spiking neural networks (SNNs) have tremendous potential for energy-efficient
neuromorphic chips due to their binary and event-driven architecture. SNNs have
been primarily used in classification tasks, but limited exploration on image
generation tasks. To fill the gap, we propose a Spiking-Diffusion model, which
is based on the vector quantized discrete diffusion model. First, we develop a
vector quantized variational autoencoder with SNNs (VQ-SVAE) to learn a
discrete latent space for images. In VQ-SVAE, image features are encoded using
both the spike firing rate and postsynaptic potential, and an adaptive spike
generator is designed to restore embedding features in the form of spike
trains. Next, we perform absorbing state diffusion in the discrete latent space
and construct a spiking diffusion image decoder (SDID) with SNNs to denoise the
image. Our work is the first to build the diffusion model entirely from SNN
layers. Experimental results on MNIST, FMNIST, KMNIST, Letters, and Cifar10
demonstrate that Spiking-Diffusion outperforms the existing SNN-based
generation model. We achieve FIDs of 37.50, 91.98, 59.23, 67.41, and 120.5 on
the above datasets respectively, with reductions of 58.60\%, 18.75\%, 64.51\%,
29.75\%, and 44.88\% in FIDs compared with the state-of-art work. Our code will
be available at \url{https://github.com/Arktis2022/Spiking-Diffusion}.
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