論文の概要: CVFC: Attention-Based Cross-View Feature Consistency for Weakly
Supervised Semantic Segmentation of Pathology Images
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.10449v1
- Date: Mon, 21 Aug 2023 03:50:09 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2023-08-22 15:08:36.915433
- Title: CVFC: Attention-Based Cross-View Feature Consistency for Weakly
Supervised Semantic Segmentation of Pathology Images
- Title(参考訳): CVFC: 病理画像の微視的セグメント化のための注意型クロスビュー機能整合性
- Authors: Liangrui Pan, Lian Wang, Zhichao Feng, Liwen Xu, Shaoliang Peng
- Abstract要約: 病理組織像分割はがんの診断における金の基準である。
そこで本研究では,CVFC という疑似マスク生成フレームワークを提案する。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 3.2128744424771725
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: Histopathology image segmentation is the gold standard for diagnosing cancer,
and can indicate cancer prognosis. However, histopathology image segmentation
requires high-quality masks, so many studies now use imagelevel labels to
achieve pixel-level segmentation to reduce the need for fine-grained
annotation. To solve this problem, we propose an attention-based cross-view
feature consistency end-to-end pseudo-mask generation framework named CVFC
based on the attention mechanism. Specifically, CVFC is a three-branch joint
framework composed of two Resnet38 and one Resnet50, and the independent branch
multi-scale integrated feature map to generate a class activation map (CAM); in
each branch, through down-sampling and The expansion method adjusts the size of
the CAM; the middle branch projects the feature matrix to the query and key
feature spaces, and generates a feature space perception matrix through the
connection layer and inner product to adjust and refine the CAM of each branch;
finally, through the feature consistency loss and feature cross loss to
optimize the parameters of CVFC in co-training mode. After a large number of
experiments, An IoU of 0.7122 and a fwIoU of 0.7018 are obtained on the
WSSS4LUAD dataset, which outperforms HistoSegNet, SEAM, C-CAM, WSSS-Tissue, and
OEEM, respectively.
- Abstract(参考訳): 病理組織像分割はがんの診断における金の基準であり、癌予後を示すことができる。
Specifically, CVFC is a three-branch joint framework composed of two Resnet38 and one Resnet50, and the independent branch multi-scale integrated feature map to generate a class activation map (CAM); in each branch, through down-sampling and The expansion method adjusts the size of the CAM; the middle branch projects the feature matrix to the query and key feature spaces, and generates a feature space perception matrix through the connection layer and inner product to adjust and refine the CAM of each branch; finally, through the feature consistency loss and feature cross loss to optimize the parameters of CVFC in co-training mode.
多数の実験の後、WSSS4LUADデータセットで0.7122のAn IoUと0.7018のfwIoUが得られ、それぞれHistoSegNet、SEAM、C-CAM、WSSS-Tissue、OEEMを上回っている。
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