Beyond One-to-One: Rethinking the Referring Image Segmentation
- URL:
- Date: Sat, 26 Aug 2023 11:39:22 GMT
- Title: Beyond One-to-One: Rethinking the Referring Image Segmentation
- Authors: Yutao Hu, Qixiong Wang, Wenqi Shao, Enze Xie, Zhenguo Li, Jungong Han,
Ping Luo
- Abstract summary: Referring image segmentation aims to segment the target object referred by a natural language expression.
We propose a Dual Multi-Modal Interaction (DMMI) Network, which contains two decoder branches.
In the text-to-image decoder, text embedding is utilized to query the visual feature and localize the corresponding target.
Meanwhile, the image-to-text decoder is implemented to reconstruct the erased entity-phrase conditioned on the visual feature.
- Score: 117.53010476628029
- License:
- Abstract: Referring image segmentation aims to segment the target object referred by a
natural language expression. However, previous methods rely on the strong
assumption that one sentence must describe one target in the image, which is
often not the case in real-world applications. As a result, such methods fail
when the expressions refer to either no objects or multiple objects. In this
paper, we address this issue from two perspectives. First, we propose a Dual
Multi-Modal Interaction (DMMI) Network, which contains two decoder branches and
enables information flow in two directions. In the text-to-image decoder, text
embedding is utilized to query the visual feature and localize the
corresponding target. Meanwhile, the image-to-text decoder is implemented to
reconstruct the erased entity-phrase conditioned on the visual feature. In this
way, visual features are encouraged to contain the critical semantic
information about target entity, which supports the accurate segmentation in
the text-to-image decoder in turn. Secondly, we collect a new challenging but
realistic dataset called Ref-ZOM, which includes image-text pairs under
different settings. Extensive experiments demonstrate our method achieves
state-of-the-art performance on different datasets, and the Ref-ZOM-trained
model performs well on various types of text inputs. Codes and datasets are
available at
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