Generalizing Level Ranking Constraints for Monotone and Convex
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- Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2023 09:04:39 GMT
- Title: Generalizing Level Ranking Constraints for Monotone and Convex
- Authors: Tomi Janhunen (Tampere University)
- Abstract summary: In answer set programming (ASP), answer sets capture solutions to search problems of interest.
One viable implementation strategy is provided by translation-based ASP.
We take level ranking constraints into reconsideration, aiming at their generalizations to cover aggregate-based extensions of ASP.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: In answer set programming (ASP), answer sets capture solutions to search
problems of interest and thus the efficient computation of answer sets is of
utmost importance. One viable implementation strategy is provided by
translation-based ASP where logic programs are translated into other KR
formalisms such as Boolean satisfiability (SAT), SAT modulo theories (SMT), and
mixed-integer programming (MIP). Consequently, existing solvers can be
harnessed for the computation of answer sets. Many of the existing translations
rely on program completion and level rankings to capture the minimality of
answer sets and default negation properly. In this work, we take level ranking
constraints into reconsideration, aiming at their generalizations to cover
aggregate-based extensions of ASP in more systematic way. By applying a number
of program transformations, ranking constraints can be rewritten in a general
form that preserves the structure of monotone and convex aggregates and thus
offers a uniform basis for their incorporation into translation-based ASP. The
results open up new possibilities for the implementation of translators and
solver pipelines in practice.
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