Neural Gradient Regularizer
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- Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2023 09:11:26 GMT
- Title: Neural Gradient Regularizer
- Authors: Shuang Xu, Yifan Wang, Zixiang Zhao, Jiangjun Peng, Xiangyong Cao,
Deyu Meng, Yulun Zhang, Radu Timofte, Luc Van Gool
- Abstract summary: We propose a neural gradient regularizer (NGR) that expresses the gradient map as the output of a neural network.
NGR is applicable to various image types and different image processing tasks, functioning in a zero-shot learning fashion.
- Score: 150.85797800807524
- License:
- Abstract: Owing to its significant success, the prior imposed on gradient maps has
consistently been a subject of great interest in the field of image processing.
Total variation (TV), one of the most representative regularizers, is known for
its ability to capture the intrinsic sparsity prior underlying gradient maps.
Nonetheless, TV and its variants often underestimate the gradient maps, leading
to the weakening of edges and details whose gradients should not be zero in the
original image (i.e., image structures is not describable by sparse priors of
gradient maps). Recently, total deep variation (TDV) has been introduced,
assuming the sparsity of feature maps, which provides a flexible regularization
learned from large-scale datasets for a specific task. However, TDV requires to
retrain the network with image/task variations, limiting its versatility. To
alleviate this issue, in this paper, we propose a neural gradient regularizer
(NGR) that expresses the gradient map as the output of a neural network. Unlike
existing methods, NGR does not rely on any subjective sparsity or other prior
assumptions on image gradient maps, thereby avoiding the underestimation of
gradient maps. NGR is applicable to various image types and different image
processing tasks, functioning in a zero-shot learning fashion, making it a
versatile and plug-and-play regularizer. Extensive experimental results
demonstrate the superior performance of NGR over state-of-the-art counterparts
for a range of different tasks, further validating its effectiveness and
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