論文の概要: Data-Driven Projection for Reducing Dimensionality of Linear Programs:
Generalization Bound and Learning Methods
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2309.00203v2
- Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2024 02:55:08 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2024-01-31 19:04:07.109477
- Title: Data-Driven Projection for Reducing Dimensionality of Linear Programs:
Generalization Bound and Learning Methods
- Title(参考訳): 線形プログラムの次元性低減のためのデータ駆動投影:一般化境界と学習法
- Authors: Shinsaku Sakaue, Taihei Oki
- Abstract要約: 高次元線形プログラム(LP)を効率的に解く方法は根本的な問題である。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 27.394532878041694
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: How to solve high-dimensional linear programs (LPs) efficiently is a
fundamental question. Recently, there has been a surge of interest in reducing
LP sizes using \textit{random projections}, which can accelerate solving LPs
independently of improving LP solvers.
In this paper, we explore a new direction of \emph{data-driven projections},
which use projection matrices learned from data instead of random projection
matrices. Given data of past $n$-dimensional LPs, we learn an $n\times k$
projection matrix such that $n > k$. When addressing a future LP instance, we
reduce its dimensionality from $n$ to $k$ via the learned projection matrix,
solve the resulting LP to obtain a $k$-dimensional solution, and apply the
learned matrix to it to recover an $n$-dimensional solution.
On the theoretical side, a natural question is: how much data is sufficient
to ensure the quality of recovered solutions? We address this question based on
the framework of \textit{data-driven algorithm design}, which connects the
amount of data sufficient for establishing generalization bounds to the
\textit{pseudo-dimension} of performance metrics. We obtain an
$\tilde{\mathrm{O}}(nk^2)$ upper bound on the pseudo-dimension, where
$\tilde{\mathrm{O}}$ compresses logarithmic factors. We also provide an
$\Omega(nk)$ lower bound, implying our result is tight up to an
$\tilde{\mathrm{O}}(k)$ factor.
On the practical side, we explore two natural methods for learning projection
matrices: PCA- and gradient-based methods. While the former is simple and
efficient, the latter can sometimes lead to better solution quality. Our
experiments confirm the practical benefit of learning projection matrices from
data, achieving significantly higher solution quality than the existing random
projection while greatly reducing the time for solving LPs.
- Abstract(参考訳): 高次元線形プログラム(LP)を効率的に解く方法は根本的な問題である。
近年, LP解法の改良とは無関係に, LPの解法を高速化できる \textit{random projections} を用いたLPサイズ削減への関心が高まっている。
過去の$n$-次元LPのデータから、$n > k$となるような$n\times k$プロジェクション行列を学ぶ。
理論的には、自然の疑問は: 回復したソリューションの品質を保証するのに十分なデータがどれくらいあるか?
この問題は、一般化境界を確立するのに十分なデータ量と、パフォーマンス指標の \textit{pseudo-dimension} を結合する、 \textit{data-driven algorithm design} の枠組みに基づいて解決する。
また、$\Omega(nk)$ lower bound も提供しており、その結果は $\tilde{\mathrm{O}}(k)$ factor まで厳密であることを意味する。
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