DRAG: Divergence-based Adaptive Aggregation in Federated learning on
Non-IID Data
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2309.01779v1
- Date: Mon, 4 Sep 2023 19:40:58 GMT
- Title: DRAG: Divergence-based Adaptive Aggregation in Federated learning on
Non-IID Data
- Authors: Feng Zhu, Jingjing Zhang, Shengyun Liu and Xin Wang
- Abstract summary: Local gradient descent (SGD) is a fundamental approach in achieving communication efficiency in Federated Learning (FL)
We introduce a novel metric called degree of divergence," quantifying the angle between the local gradient and the global reference direction.
We propose the divergence-based adaptive aggregation (DRAG) algorithm, which dynamically drags" the received local updates toward the reference direction in each round without requiring extra communication overhead.
- Score: 11.830891255837788
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Local stochastic gradient descent (SGD) is a fundamental approach in
achieving communication efficiency in Federated Learning (FL) by allowing
individual workers to perform local updates. However, the presence of
heterogeneous data distributions across working nodes causes each worker to
update its local model towards a local optimum, leading to the phenomenon known
as ``client-drift" and resulting in slowed convergence. To address this issue,
previous works have explored methods that either introduce communication
overhead or suffer from unsteady performance. In this work, we introduce a
novel metric called ``degree of divergence," quantifying the angle between the
local gradient and the global reference direction. Leveraging this metric, we
propose the divergence-based adaptive aggregation (DRAG) algorithm, which
dynamically ``drags" the received local updates toward the reference direction
in each round without requiring extra communication overhead. Furthermore, we
establish a rigorous convergence analysis for DRAG, proving its ability to
achieve a sublinear convergence rate. Compelling experimental results are
presented to illustrate DRAG's superior performance compared to
state-of-the-art algorithms in effectively managing the client-drift
phenomenon. Additionally, DRAG exhibits remarkable resilience against certain
Byzantine attacks. By securely sharing a small sample of the client's data with
the FL server, DRAG effectively counters these attacks, as demonstrated through
comprehensive experiments.
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