Object Motion Guided Human Motion Synthesis
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2309.16237v1
- Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2023 08:22:00 GMT
- Title: Object Motion Guided Human Motion Synthesis
- Authors: Jiaman Li, Jiajun Wu, C. Karen Liu
- Abstract summary: We study the problem of full-body human motion synthesis for the manipulation of large-sized objects.
We propose Object MOtion guided human MOtion synthesis (OMOMO), a conditional diffusion framework.
We develop a novel system that captures full-body human manipulation motions by simply attaching a smartphone to the object being manipulated.
- Score: 22.08240141115053
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: Modeling human behaviors in contextual environments has a wide range of
applications in character animation, embodied AI, VR/AR, and robotics. In
real-world scenarios, humans frequently interact with the environment and
manipulate various objects to complete daily tasks. In this work, we study the
problem of full-body human motion synthesis for the manipulation of large-sized
objects. We propose Object MOtion guided human MOtion synthesis (OMOMO), a
conditional diffusion framework that can generate full-body manipulation
behaviors from only the object motion. Since naively applying diffusion models
fails to precisely enforce contact constraints between the hands and the
object, OMOMO learns two separate denoising processes to first predict hand
positions from object motion and subsequently synthesize full-body poses based
on the predicted hand positions. By employing the hand positions as an
intermediate representation between the two denoising processes, we can
explicitly enforce contact constraints, resulting in more physically plausible
manipulation motions. With the learned model, we develop a novel system that
captures full-body human manipulation motions by simply attaching a smartphone
to the object being manipulated. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate
the effectiveness of our proposed pipeline and its ability to generalize to
unseen objects. Additionally, as high-quality human-object interaction datasets
are scarce, we collect a large-scale dataset consisting of 3D object geometry,
object motion, and human motion. Our dataset contains human-object interaction
motion for 15 objects, with a total duration of approximately 10 hours.
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