How Over-Parameterization Slows Down Gradient Descent in Matrix Sensing:
The Curses of Symmetry and Initialization
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- Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2023 18:08:25 GMT
- Title: How Over-Parameterization Slows Down Gradient Descent in Matrix Sensing:
The Curses of Symmetry and Initialization
- Authors: Nuoya Xiong, Lijun Ding, Simon S. Du
- Abstract summary: We show how over- parameterization changes the convergence behaviors of descent.
The goal is to recover an unknown low-rank ground-rank ground-truth matrix from near-isotropic linear measurements.
We propose a novel method that only modifies one step of GD and obtains a convergence rate independent of $alpha$.
- Score: 46.55524654398093
- License:
- Abstract: This paper rigorously shows how over-parameterization changes the convergence
behaviors of gradient descent (GD) for the matrix sensing problem, where the
goal is to recover an unknown low-rank ground-truth matrix from near-isotropic
linear measurements. First, we consider the symmetric setting with the
symmetric parameterization where $M^* \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times n}$ is a
positive semi-definite unknown matrix of rank $r \ll n$, and one uses a
symmetric parameterization $XX^\top$ to learn $M^*$. Here $X \in \mathbb{R}^{n
\times k}$ with $k > r$ is the factor matrix. We give a novel $\Omega (1/T^2)$
lower bound of randomly initialized GD for the over-parameterized case ($k >r$)
where $T$ is the number of iterations. This is in stark contrast to the
exact-parameterization scenario ($k=r$) where the convergence rate is $\exp
(-\Omega (T))$. Next, we study asymmetric setting where $M^* \in
\mathbb{R}^{n_1 \times n_2}$ is the unknown matrix of rank $r \ll
\min\{n_1,n_2\}$, and one uses an asymmetric parameterization $FG^\top$ to
learn $M^*$ where $F \in \mathbb{R}^{n_1 \times k}$ and $G \in \mathbb{R}^{n_2
\times k}$. Building on prior work, we give a global exact convergence result
of randomly initialized GD for the exact-parameterization case ($k=r$) with an
$\exp (-\Omega(T))$ rate. Furthermore, we give the first global exact
convergence result for the over-parameterization case ($k>r$) with an
$\exp(-\Omega(\alpha^2 T))$ rate where $\alpha$ is the initialization scale.
This linear convergence result in the over-parameterization case is especially
significant because one can apply the asymmetric parameterization to the
symmetric setting to speed up from $\Omega (1/T^2)$ to linear convergence. On
the other hand, we propose a novel method that only modifies one step of GD and
obtains a convergence rate independent of $\alpha$, recovering the rate in the
exact-parameterization case.
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