Efficient Over-parameterized Matrix Sensing from Noisy Measurements via Alternating Preconditioned Gradient Descent
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2502.00463v2
- Date: Thu, 06 Feb 2025 14:32:10 GMT
- Title: Efficient Over-parameterized Matrix Sensing from Noisy Measurements via Alternating Preconditioned Gradient Descent
- Authors: Zhiyu Liu, Zhi Han, Yandong Tang, Hai Zhang, Shaojie Tang, Yao Wang,
- Abstract summary: Preconditioning methods have been proposed to accelerate the convergence of matrix sensing problem.
We propose an alternating preconditioned descent (APGD) algorithm, which alternately updates the two factor parameter.
We theoretically prove that APGD achieves near-optimal convergence at a linear rate, starting from arbitrary randoms.
- Score: 17.73720530889677
- License:
- Abstract: We consider the noisy matrix sensing problem in the over-parameterization setting, where the estimated rank $r$ is larger than the true rank $r_\star$. Specifically, our main objective is to recover a matrix $ X_\star \in \mathbb{R}^{n_1 \times n_2} $ with rank $ r_\star $ from noisy measurements using an over-parameterized factorized form $ LR^\top $, where $ L \in \mathbb{R}^{n_1 \times r}, \, R \in \mathbb{R}^{n_2 \times r} $ and $ \min\{n_1, n_2\} \ge r > r_\star $, with the true rank $ r_\star $ being unknown. Recently, preconditioning methods have been proposed to accelerate the convergence of matrix sensing problem compared to vanilla gradient descent, incorporating preconditioning terms $ (L^\top L + \lambda I)^{-1} $ and $ (R^\top R + \lambda I)^{-1} $ into the original gradient. However, these methods require careful tuning of the damping parameter $\lambda$ and are sensitive to initial points and step size. To address these limitations, we propose the alternating preconditioned gradient descent (APGD) algorithm, which alternately updates the two factor matrices, eliminating the need for the damping parameter and enabling faster convergence with larger step sizes. We theoretically prove that APGD achieves near-optimal error convergence at a linear rate, starting from arbitrary random initializations. Through extensive experiments, we validate our theoretical results and demonstrate that APGD outperforms other methods, achieving the fastest convergence rate. Notably, both our theoretical analysis and experimental results illustrate that APGD does not rely on the initialization procedure, making it more practical and versatile.
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