EMOFM: Ensemble MLP mOdel with Feature-based Mixers for Click-Through
Rate Prediction
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2310.04482v2
- Date: Sun, 15 Oct 2023 10:49:13 GMT
- Title: EMOFM: Ensemble MLP mOdel with Feature-based Mixers for Click-Through
Rate Prediction
- Authors: Yujian Betterest Li, Kai Wu
- Abstract summary: A dataset contains millions of records and each field-wise feature in a record consists of hashed integers for privacy.
For this task, the keys of network-based methods might be type-wise feature extraction and information fusion across different fields.
We propose plug-in mixers for field/type-wise feature fusion, thus construct an field&type-wise ensemble model, namely EMOFM.
- Score: 5.983194751474721
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Track one of CTI competition is on click-through rate (CTR) prediction. The
dataset contains millions of records and each field-wise feature in a record
consists of hashed integers for privacy. For this task, the keys of
network-based methods might be type-wise feature extraction and information
fusion across different fields. Multi-layer perceptrons (MLPs) are able to
extract field feature, but could not efficiently fuse features. Motivated by
the natural fusion characteristic of cross attention and the efficiency of
transformer-based structures, we propose simple plug-in mixers for
field/type-wise feature fusion, and thus construct an field&type-wise ensemble
model, namely EMOFM (Ensemble MLP mOdel with Feature-based Mixers). In the
experiments, the proposed model is evaluated on the dataset, the optimization
process is visualized and ablation studies are explored. It is shown that EMOFM
outperforms compared baselines. In the end, we discuss on future work. WARNING:
The comparison might not be fair enough since the proposed method is designed
for this data in particular while compared methods are not. For example, EMOFM
especially takes different types of interactions into consideration while
others do not. Anyway, we do hope that the ideas inside our method could help
other developers/learners/researchers/thinkers and so on.
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