Faster randomized partial trace estimation
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- Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2023 22:20:09 GMT
- Title: Faster randomized partial trace estimation
- Authors: Tyler Chen, Robert Chen, Kevin Li, Skai Nzeuton, Yilu Pan, Yixin Wang
- Abstract summary: We develop randomized matrix-free algorithms for estimating partial traces.
We apply our algorithm to study the thermodynamics of several Heisenberg spin systems.
- Score: 17.697674095200284
- License:
- Abstract: We develop randomized matrix-free algorithms for estimating partial traces.
Our algorithm improves on the typicality-based approach used in [T. Chen and
Y-C. Cheng, Numerical computation of the equilibrium-reduced density matrix for
strongly coupled open quantum systems, J. Chem. Phys. 157, 064106 (2022)] by
deflating important subspaces (e.g. corresponding to the low-energy
eigenstates) explicitly. This results in a significant variance reduction for
matrices with quickly decaying singular values. We then apply our algorithm to
study the thermodynamics of several Heisenberg spin systems, particularly the
entanglement spectrum and ergotropy.
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